Make Money Online SEO SEO Technique To Increase Web Traffic

SEO Technique To Increase Web Traffic

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SEO is an internet marketing strategy. Search engine optimization (SEO) gives your website a necessary web presence. It target different kind of searches including industry-specific vertical search, video search, local search and last but not the least image search.

SEO Tactics

SEO works by optimizing the website which involves editing the content and HTML along with associated coding. It removes barriers to the indexing activities of search engines and increases its relevance to specific keywords. Another SEO tactic include, promoting a site by increasing the number of backlinks, or inbound links. It offers as a stand-alone service or as a part of broader marketing campaign. Its activities are incorporated into design and website development.

Page Rank

Search engine explicitly looks for websites, which employ these methods or techniques, for removing them from its indices. Earlier search algorithms relied on webmaster-provided information such as the keyword meta tags, which provide a guide to each page’s content. Early search engines suffered from abuse and ranking manipulation, by relying so much on factors such as keyword density which were exclusively within a webmaster control. Here PageRank is assigned, as PageRank is a function of the quantity and strength of inbounds link and the number is calculated by the algorithm.

Service Providers

In 1998, Brin and Page founded Google. It was also reported that many site explicitly focus on buying, selling and exchanging links, that too on the large scale. The SEO service providers, publish their opinion in blogs and online forums, they have studied deeply different approaches to search engine optimization. In SEO, the notable service providers are, Jill Whalen, Aaron Wall, Bary Schwartz and Rand Fishkin.


The engineers of SEO also developed technique that replaces nofollowed tag with obfuscated Javascript and thus allow PageRank sculpting. To find pages for their algorithmic search result, the leading search engines such as Yahoo, Bing and Google, uses crawlers. Whether or not page is crawled, distance of pages from the root directory of a site may also be factor in this regard.


Web master can instruct spiders not to crawl certain directories or files through the standard robot.txt file in root directory of the domain, to avoid undesirable content in the search indexes. The phenomena called as Cross linking between pages of the same website can provide more links to most important pages to improve its overall visibility.

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