Make Money Online SEO On Page SEO Tutorial For Small Businesses (2022 Edition) – 11 Simple Ways to Boost Your Rankings

On Page SEO Tutorial For Small Businesses (2022 Edition) – 11 Simple Ways to Boost Your Rankings

On Page SEO Tutorial For Small Businesses (2022 Edition) – 11 Simple Ways to Boost Your Rankings post thumbnail image

It’s no secret that small businesses have to work hard to compete with larger businesses. They don’t have the same resources, budgets, or manpower. But what they do have is the ability to be nimble and move quickly.

This is especially true when it comes to SEO. Small businesses can take advantage of opportunities that bigger businesses might miss simply because they can act faster.

But even though small businesses have an advantage when it comes to SEO, they still need to put in the work. And that’s where this on page SEO tutorial comes in.

In this tutorial, we’re going to show you 11 simple ways you can boost your on page SEO and improve your rankings in Google. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll know how to do on page SEO like a pro!

1. Optimize Your Title Tags

One of the most important elements of on page SEO is your title tag. This is the title of your webpage that appears in the search results. It should be clear, descriptive, and accurate. Most importantly, it should include your target keyword.

Here’s an example of a good title tag:

On Page SEO Tutorial for Small Businesses

As you can see, our title includes our target keyword (on page SEO) and gives a very clear idea of what our article is about. This helps Google understand what our article is about and helps us rank for our target keyword.

2. Optimize Your Meta Descriptions

Another important element of on page SEO are meta descriptions. Meta descriptions are the short descriptions that appear under your title in the search results. Like your title tag, your meta description should be clear, descriptive, and accurate. And it should also include your target keyword.

Here’s an example of a good meta description:

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