Make Money Online KEYWORDS Beware of Social Media

Beware of Social Media

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We all know how important it is to take the complaints of our customers seriously. While it can be easy to stop caring once we’ve made that sale and collected the money, it’s simply not good for business in the long run. Plus, you have to remember that word of mouth has always spread quickly; if one person is very unsatisfied, a lot of people will know about it by the end of the day. That was true back in the days of just telephones and snail mail, and it’s especially true in today’s world where emails, online message boards and forums, and worst of all, social media run rampant. If you make a customer angry, it only takes two seconds for them to post a mean video on YouTube for the world to see, to “tweet” an angry message via Twitter for all their followers, or to create a rude status update on their own Facebook or Myspace pages or even on your company’s page!

As such, you really need to start thinking more seriously about how you treat your customers, especially when they have a complaint, a question, or some other issue after purchase. If you don’t deal directly with such customers, then you’ll want to make sure your customer care representatives are properly trained in customer etiquette and that they are doing their jobs well. All it takes is one very rude customer representative to send your company’s entire reputation down the tube! Of course, we know you can’t watch all of your customer service representatives all of the time, especially if you’re a big company, but you can monitor them randomly by recording calls to check for “quality of service.” You have to let both your workers and the callers know that you’ll be recording, but people rarely seem to mind this.

Of course, the best way to avoid having to worry about your customer service representatives is to create quality products that you won’t get tons of complaints about. Spend enough time making sure your products are well made and test them out after production yourself. If you can already tell that a product is cheaply made or you see with your own eyes that it breaks after just a few uses, then plain and simple, don’t sell it! While it can be tempting to make that extra cash, it’s not worth the barrage of complaints and the possible damage to your company’s reputation.

Quality starts with you, the company owner, and it goes on through all of your employees who deal with your customers. You need to make sure that everyone is doing his or her job and treating your customers with the respect that they deserve. After all, even though their complaints and/or questions might be annoying, you wouldn’t be in business without them. A customer puts his or her trust in you when buying your products, so make that extra effort not to let them down! If you do, you might find yourself showing up unfavorably on social media sites!

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