Make Money Online CONTENT TRAFFIC Best Content Marketing Examples – January 2017

Best Content Marketing Examples – January 2017

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It’s frights and scares galore this month, with a bit of telekenesis thrown in for good measure. Check out January 2017’s best creative campaigns…

Capcom – Resident Evil: The Experience:
Or Yarok – Live Kill:
Rings – TV Store Prank:
KFC – Teleconnect To Nashville:

Hello and welcome to Content Marketing Examples, it’s the first round-up of the year for January 2017 – so let’s take a look…

First up is Capcom, who brought their new Resident Evil 7 game to life. Kicking off in London, the team created a live action escape experience – inspired by the latest installment of the series. Suitably scaring participants, it went down a storm – and is now set to tour the US from February to April.

Next is a rather controversial stunt from an Israeli traffic safety group: “Or Yarok”. They enlisted one of the country’s top vloggers, Ashley Waxman Bakshi, then hacked YouTube – allowing her to livestream a pre-recorded video where she’s driving, using her phone and suddenly crashes. After a brief moment, viewers were then reassured she was OK and it was all a stunt to raise awareness of road safety.

Back to the horror theme, the new film “Rings” hooked up a TV showroom to frighten the life out of unsuspecting victims. Recreating the infamous “girl crawling out the TV” scene – prominent across the film’s series – which looks genuinely terrifying.

Finally, from horror to telekenesis, KFC India brought a whole new meaning to “food for thought” by challenging people to open a box using just their mind. Celebrating the launch of their “Nashville Chicken” box meal and giving the winners getting all sorts of prizes.

And that’s all for this month. Go on and hit subscribe to get these every month – and we’ll catch you next time!

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