As an experienced or new affiliate marketer, you may realize rather quickly that your existing competition is brutal. There are simply so many companies marketing their products online that even the massive and growing online consumer population cannot keep up with it. Under these conditions, only those who go the extra mile in attracting a targeted consumer base will become truly successful marketers; there is no middle ground in marketing. This article will help you navigate the pitfalls of outdated advertising and teach you the tricks to truly generating new traffic and buzz around your product.
First off, you need to build a targeted consumer base that is interested in your product or similar products and is capable of being mobilized within the space of a few days. The best way to do this is by creating a blog for your affiliate marketing and setting up a detailed description of the product, original and interesting content related to the product, and clear links directing traffic to your partner. The next step is to market this blog aggressively, targeting social networking sites like Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook; these are invaluable because they automatically have a very high page rank on major search engines like Google, and therefore can direct more traffic to your blog.
As more and more people come streaming into your blog, you will offer some sort of incentive if they sign up to the blog’s email list, usually exclusive content of some kind or a teaser bonus. In this way, an email list of possible clients will continue to grow until you feel you have a critical mass and are ready to unleash your product to them and create a burst of multiple sales.
Now comes the part that will set you apart from other marketers in terms of sales volume. Instead of simply giving your clients the link to the desired product on your seller’s site, it is essential at this point to build anticipation for the product. A few days before you are ready to make the link live, send out a mass email informing the list of another bonus product they will receive in the coming day, and tell them at precisely what time the bonus will become available. This bonus should be something that based on their consumer background they will show interest in, and is usually a form of software or something inexpensive to distribute. The bonus serves the purpose of revitalizing interest in your site and creating real expectations in your clients. A day after the bonus goes out, send another email reminding the list that the product will be unveiled in 48 hours and again, tell them the precise time the link to your seller’s site will become live. At this point, sometimes it is a good idea to create a rush for the product by announcing that it will be available for a limited time only, which will ensure their interest. The last step is sending one more final email the night before the link goes live, and then post the link at the desired time and watch your commissions roll in. Happy marketing!