Make Money Online WORDPRESS Woocommerce Setup WordPress – Shipping in 3 Simple Steps

Woocommerce Setup WordPress – Shipping in 3 Simple Steps

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Setting up shipping in WooCommerce is a three step process:

1. Add your shipping zones

2. Add your shipping methods

3. Set your shipping rates

Adding your shipping zones

The first step is to add your shipping zones. A shipping zone is a geographical area where you want to offer shipping. You can add as many shipping zones as you like.

To add a shipping zone, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping and click on the ‘Zones’ tab.

Click on the ‘Add Zone’ button and enter the name of the zone and the countries that are included.

Adding your shipping methods

The second step is to add your shipping methods. A shipping method is a way of shipping your products. You can add as many shipping methods as you like.

To add a shipping method, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping and click on the ‘Methods’ tab.

Click on the ‘Add Method’ button and enter the name of the method and the shipping rates.

Setting your shipping rates

The third step is to set your shipping rates. Shipping rates are the amount you charge for shipping your products.

To set your shipping rates, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping and click on the ‘Rates’ tab.

Click on the ‘Add Rate’ button and enter the name of the rate, the shipping zone, and the shipping method.

You can also set a weight or price threshold for the rate. This means that the rate will only apply to products that weigh more than or cost more than the threshold you set.

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