Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC Wireshark 101: Wireshark with Social Networks, HakTip 131

Wireshark 101: Wireshark with Social Networks, HakTip 131

Wireshark 101: Wireshark with Social Networks, HakTip 131 post thumbnail image

Wireshark is a software program that lets you see inside the network and analyze data packets. There are many different uses for Wireshark, but one of the most popular is to monitor and analyze social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

In this HakTip, we’ll show you how to use Wireshark to monitor and analyze social networks. We’ll also give you some tips on what to look for when you’re using Wireshark with social networks.

First, let’s take a look at how Wireshark works. When you run Wireshark, it starts capturing all of the data packets that are sent and received on the network. It then displays these packets in a format that is easy to read and understand.

You can use Wireshark to see what kind of data is being sent and received on the network. For example, if you’re curious about what kind of information Facebook is sending back and forth between your computer and its servers, you can use Wireshark to take a look.

To do this, open up Wireshark and start a capture. Then, go to Facebook and log in. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see all of the data packets that are being sent back and forth between your computer and Facebook’s servers.

You can click on any of these packets to see more information about them. For example, you can see the full headers of each packet by clicking on the “Info” column. This will give you a lot of technical details about each packet, but it can be helpful if you’re trying to troubleshoot a problem or understand what’s going on under the hood.

Now that we’ve taken a look at how Wireshark works, let’s turn our attention to using it with social networks. As we mentioned before, one of the most popular uses for Wireshark is to monitor Facebook traffic.

To do this, open up Wireshark and start a capture. Then, go to Facebook and log in as usual. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see all of the data packets that are being sent back and forth between your computer and Facebook’s servers. Just like before, you can click on any of these packets to see more information about them.

One thing you might notice when you’re looking at Facebook traffic is that there’s a lot of encrypted traffic going back and forth between your computer and Facebook’s servers. This is because Facebook uses HTTPS encryption to protect your privacy.

However, even though the traffic is encrypted, you can still use Wireshark to take a look at it. To do this, click on the “Decrypt” button in the toolbar at the top of the window. Then, enter your Facebook password when prompted. Once you’ve done this, all of the encrypted traffic will be decrypted so that you can view it in Wireshark.

Now that we’ve shown you how to use Wireshark with social networks like Facebook, let’s turn our attention to another popular use for Wireshark: monitoring Twitter traffic. Just like with Facebook, there are two ways to do this: either by looking at encrypted traffic or by looking at unencrypted traffic.

If you want to take a look at unencrypted Twitter traffic, open up Wireshark and start a capture. Then, go to Twitter and log in as usual. Once you’re logged in, go to your settings page and turn off “HTTPS only.” This will allow unencrypted traffic flow through your connection so that Wireshark can capture it.

If HTTPS only is turned off then all tweets will be unencrypted meaning anyone who has access(your ISP) could read them

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