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Why Affiliate Marketers Need Auto-Responders

Why Affiliate Marketers Need Auto-Responders post thumbnail image

It is true. Many new, and even some more experienced marketers, do no understand why it is so important to have an auto-responder as an affiliate marketer. They have already paid out for the domain name and web hosting for a year… do they really need to have an auto-responder too?

The answer is a resounding… yes!

You see, statistics show that the average consumer needs to see an offer 7-10 times before they will consider making a purchase. Think about how many times you see a particular commercial on television.

By pre-writing content for your auto-responder, you are not only giving your audience what they want, you are also putting your offer in front of their eyes… 3 times… 5 times… etc. Also known as email marketing, this method is used by marketers in many different niches, as it is simple to set up and run.

And your messages are not limited just to text, oh no. With a quality auto-responder, your business can send HTML messages. Let your list know when you have a new product to promote or gift to give away. Your messages will represent you to your audience, it is important that they are professional and provide the quality and content that your audience has signed up for.

You can include your picture and a short bio to help your audience get to know you. It is important that they see the person behind the business… you should always keep branding in the back of your mind.

Beyond the offers that you make, your auto-responder allows you to free up your time, to automate the process of making a sale so you can spend your time doing all of the things that you need to do to continue to grow your business to the level that you desire.

Do you write articles? Add them to your auto-responder in the form of newsletters. You can include any related affiliate product links and make the message about serving your customers needs. It is often necessary to point out that the consumer will buy what they want, regardless of what you are offering… it is better to provide several related offers in a newsletter and then let the audience choose what they desire.

When you take the time to build up a relationship with your audience through the auto-responder, you affiliate marketing efforts are taken to a whole new level. You not only are able to put your offer in front of each visitor’s eyes as many times as you need to, you are also able to build both trust and your professional credentials. So, yes, in my opinion, any affiliate marketer should have an auto-responder.

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