Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT What is DOM | Document Object Model | Beginner Tutorial

What is DOM | Document Object Model | Beginner Tutorial

What is DOM | Document Object Model | Beginner Tutorial post thumbnail image

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What is Document Object Model
Why do we need it
How to use DOM
Demo & Examples

Represents the content of xml or html document as tree structure
Can easily read, access, update the contents of the document
Is a programming interface (API)

All XML elements can be accessed through the XML DOM


This code retrieves the text value of the first title element in an XML document

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents

It represents the page in a tree structure so that programs can read, access and change the document structure, style, and content

The DOM is an object-oriented representation of the web page, which can be modified with a scripting language such as JavaScript.

Every web browser uses some document object model to make web pages accessible via JavaScript


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