Make Money Online BANNERS Website Design Guidelines For Home Business Owners – 5 Critical Elements

Website Design Guidelines For Home Business Owners – 5 Critical Elements

Website Design Guidelines For Home Business Owners – 5 Critical Elements post thumbnail image

Like most home business owners you might not know the first thing about website design, but by following some simple guidelines you could give your site a better chance of success. Now while this might look like a difficult challenge to many, it is also a necessary one in order for us to provide the best web surfing environment for our visitors. By making some simple adjustments to your website design you could accomplish this.

We live in a fast pace world where people’s attention span is very limited, and while creating an attractive website can be inviting at times, it can also lead to much distractions and boredom for your visitors. Therefore, extra attention should be paid to every minute detail to make sure it performs optimally to serve its purpose, and that includes being “visitor friendly”.

Here are five critical elements to help you design a more effective website for your home business:

1. No Splash Pages – Splash pages are the first pages you normally see when you arrive at some websites. They normally have a great image with words like “welcome” or “click here to enter”. They do not provide any other use than that, so obviously that is a waste. You want to keep your visitor focused on exactly what they they came to your site for in the first place, so get rid of the splash page.

2. Less Banner Ads Most internet users have learned to ignore banner advertisements so this will be a waste of your valuable website space. Your goal here is to provide valuable information that can be more beneficial to your visitors. You can also include links to the relevant affiliate products that you are offering in your content. Let them feel as if they want to buy, instead of you trying to force them to.

3. Easy And Simple Navigation Provide a simple and straightforward navigation menu so that even the least savvy internet user can find their way around. Having sophisticated flash menus or some of those complicated drop-down menus might look flashy and attractive, but they are a distraction. If it presents any challenge whatsoever, they will hit the back button fast.

4. Where They Are When visitors come to your site and is exploring it, you need to make sure that they know which part of the site they are in at all times. That will allow them to be able to explore relevant information or visit any section of the site they want quite easily. Please do not confuse your visitors as this could cause you to lose them.

5. Preferably No Auto-Playing Audios Or Videos This can be very annoying to your visitor when there is an audio on your site that keeps looping over and over again. Many of us listen to personal development CD’s or music while working, and having auto playing audios or videos can be very distracting and annoying. If you have to do this make sure you provide a pause or mute button so they have some control over it.


As a home business owner we sometimes fail to pay close attention to the needs of our visitors with regards to browsing our website. We get so caught up into the money making part of it that we lose track of why some people make millions and we don’t. It is all about the service that we provide, and designing a website that provides a conducive environment for our visitors is critical to the process.

By paying close attention to the above website design guidelines you could attract more visitors to your site, get more optins, make more money and could take your home business to new heights.

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