Twitter Tutorial

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Twitter Tutorial
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Twitter Tutorial – Whether you want to start using Twitter for your business, you’re a brand spanking new beginner to the wonderful world of tweeting, or you’re looking to join the Twittersphere now that it’s 2016, it can seem like a strange and confusing place at first! But it doesn’t need to be that way.

When it comes to social media channels most businesses understand the value and importance of Facebook. Many also see the value and possibilities associated with YouTube. Some even see the potential and opportunity with Instagram. But far too many fail to see just how Twitter could possibly help their business.

But it can!

So Why Use Twitter At All?

The main reason you would want to use Twitter is the same as for any other social media or marketing tool out there and that is…

You’ll want to make sure you’re on Twitter if your customers are on Twitter. The flip side of this is of course, you don’t need to use Twitter if your customers, or those who you’re trying to attract aren’t on the platform. This sounds simple but it’s crazy how often it’s overlooked.

So who uses Twitter?

Well… it’s going to be different for every business, industry, and market, so you’ll want to do a little bit of digging around before you dive in or completely write it off, but here are some general guidelines. According to Pew Research, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Pace, the average Twitter user tends to be around 25% of all online adults with more than half falling between the ages of 18 and 49. They’re mixed pretty evenly between urban and suburban, with a few less in rural areas. And Twitter users tend to sway slightly more in the direction of college educated users and there are also a few more men than women.

How Do You Use Twitter?

Twitter is a powerful little microblog that allows you to quickly share, engage, interact, and connect with other users. There are a ton of advanced and fancy ways to use it, but if you’re just getting started then there are only 2 things you need to concentrate on, sharing and searching.

#1 Sharing

Here is where you can post company updates, related articles, tips or helpful information, and anything else you can think of that would add value to your customers. All you need to do is type it in and press that tweet button. There’s really no need to make it any more complicated than that.

#2 Searching

The other incredibly powerful and way underutilized Twitter feature is their search option which allows you to type in a name, term, keyword, or category, and then Twitter will find you previous tweets that others have shared on that topic.

Either Way… Start Today

The easiest way to get started is to simply sign up for a free account and dive right in.

Over time you’ll get more comfortable with the platform but to start, 5 minutes a day is all you need to tweet, respond, search, and share.

And of course, feel free to connect with me on Twitter through my handle @AdamErhart or my Twitter URL here:

Make sure to say Hi when you connect!

Snapchat: snapadamerhart

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