Make Money Online LEAD GENERATION Total Clarity – Get It and Write Your Own Paycheck

Total Clarity – Get It and Write Your Own Paycheck

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Muddled Thinking – The Enemy of Prosperity

A while ago I was a guest speaker on a marketing webinar. The topic was traffic and lead generation. As is my custom I didn’t stick to the topic. I meandered into other areas that are more interesting to me, such as conversions.

To me generating leads is largely a mechanical process. It’s a paint by numbers process – very predictable – and because of that I do find it boring at times.

That said I did give my audience some useful tips on traffic before I veered into other areas. Anyway the upshot was that the audience loved it, and I’ve been asked back for another session.


Recently I was thinking about that session and why sometimes when you do something you ‘know’ you’re on the money, whilst at other times maybe you’ve been ineffective, and you knew it too.

So why is it that sometimes we feel good about what we do and other times we don’t?

Well after pondering this I’ve come to one conclusion…

It’s to do with clarity.

When we have total clarity we’re bulletproof.

Looking at my own marketing trajectory there’s one thing I’ve noticed – when I am totally clear about my direction I do well. Very well.

But when the doubts creep in and when confusion reigns supreme, my best efforts turn to jelly. I can be doing the work – going through the motions – and yet without clarity the results are invariably poor.

Clarity is sometimes hard to attain but easy to lose. But until we have total clarity about what it is we want to do, success will likely prove elusive.

What can we do to get to the hallowed ‘clarity point’ where everything is crystal clear?

Here are some tips:

1. Remove All Distractions.

Sounds easy but for most of us it’s SO hard to do. We cherish our little bad habits – at some level they give us comfort and satisfaction even though it is as clear as day that they are harming our prospects of success.

You need to be ruthless – take to them with an axe. Examples: too much time on social media sites, checking emails, gossip, non-productive meetings etc. Cut ’em out!

2. Dedicate Focused Time.

Once the distractions have been eliminated you will now have a lot more head space to devote to the main game. Give it the time it needs to get some forward momentum. More clarity will likely flow.

The objective is to cut down on the clutter in your life. You must create a vacuum so that you can fill the newly created space with some targeted and focused activities.

Try it!

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