Make Money Online AUTOMATION The Resume That Got me into BrowserStack, Wingify. (with Download) | Automation Tester Resume

The Resume That Got me into BrowserStack, Wingify. (with Download) | Automation Tester Resume

The Resume That Got me into BrowserStack, Wingify. (with Download) | Automation Tester Resume post thumbnail image

When I applied to BrowserStack and Wingify, I had no Automation Tester resume. All I had was a generic resume that I had used to apply to dozens of other places.

But I knew the power of a great resume.

I knew that a great resume could make all the difference in whether or not I got an interview.

So, I decided to create a Automation Tester resume specifically for BrowserStack and Wingify.

And it worked.

I got an interview with both companies. And eventually, an offer from BrowserStack.

Now, I want to share my Automation Tester resume with you so that you can create your own version and increase your chances of getting an interview at your dream company.

Here’s what my Automation Tester resume looks like: (You can download a copy of it here)

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