Make Money Online FREELANCING Should I Be a Freelance Developer or a Web Design Company

Should I Be a Freelance Developer or a Web Design Company

Should I Be a Freelance Developer or a Web Design Company post thumbnail image

I had a question from Ian on one of my other videos that prompted me to make this one.

Ian Said:
Danny great videos. I have a question that not many freelance web developers touch on. Do you think it is better to portray yourself as a small web design business even though it is just you or should you set your website up as a freelancer? I feel like a lot of people like just working with freelancers but then again some people like to know that they are working with a solid experienced business. Let me know what you think when you get time. Thanks!

My Reply:
Hi Ian, to call yourself “I” or ‘We”, that is the big question. I feel (but have no evidence) that I have been overlooked in the past by larger businesses because I am a home office business or a freelancer. When I started off I was always making sure I presented myself as a business rather than a freelance developer, I assumed it was more professional and wanted to be presented this way. I did get a few “Oh, you’re just one guy working from home” comments as the clients came on board so I always felt a little misleading in presenting myself as a business. I now present myself as a ‘one man web design business with part time workers at a home office’ rather than a freelance developer simply because when a client comes to me for a website they want a ‘Web Designer’ and not a ‘freelance frontend web developer’. Yes these are EXACTLY the same things but I think the term ‘freelance developer’ is an ‘in the business’ term whereas Web Designer is a name given by the general public and more commonly used and searched for. I might also do a video on this as it is a good topic.

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