Make Money Online BANNERS Setting Up The Banner Ads

Setting Up The Banner Ads

Setting Up The Banner Ads post thumbnail image

Mobiflux is a #Wordpressplugin that will help you post mobile ads for your WordPress site quickly. Click here to know more:

Let us understand how to set up the banner ads. Go to WP Mobiflux on the side panel. Next you will see there are three types of tools in this plugin. Banner Ads, #InterstitialAds and Viral Locker.

In this video we will be showing you how to set up #bannerads. To do so go to banner ads and click on Create New. The settings will pop up. You can add details as you desire.

Type in the Ad Title, Ad Link which would be the destination of your ad. After that upload your Ad Image. This this would be the banner of your ad.

This tool also provides for a show rate. It means you can decide if you want to show the ad to everybody or certain number of people. You can actually add in a percentage.

For example if you set it at 10%, the ad will show only to 1 visitor for every 10 visitors. Further the tools gives you the capability to not show ads for visitors who have already clicked.

You can also add in any additional embed code if you want to include something in your ad. Then choose the pages and posts where you want to display the ad.

You can also rotate the design, this can be done for specific dimensions. Finally you can decide for yourself if you want to show ads to repeat visitors.

Once everything is done save the settings.

Mobiflux is a #Wordpressplugin that will help you post mobile ads for your WordPress site quickly. Click here to know more:

Mobiflux is a tool that helps you create ads that are friendly with mobile devices. In the last tutorial we had learnt how to create an interstitial ad with Mobiflux.

Taking it further you can now see the ad is displayed on the #Wordpress Site. The interstitial ads are generally full page ads.

The blank spaces around the ad will depend on the dimension chosen for the ad. It is advisable to use high quality vertical image. When you click on it, it takes you the destination site which was set.

Since this is a test We had set it to Google. Alternately a visitor can close the ad by clicking on the cross button on the top right hand side and carry on browsing.These ads would be very beneficial for #websiteadvertising.

Once you have learnt to set up the banner ads and interstitial ads next we will understand how to entice visitors with special offers and drive them to specific links.

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