Make Money Online KEYWORDS SEO and Blogs Work Hand-In-Hand!

SEO and Blogs Work Hand-In-Hand!

SEO and Blogs Work Hand-In-Hand! post thumbnail image

The popularity of blogging has skyrocketed in recent years; it seems everyone has something to say in an online journal of some sort. Blogging used to be seen as more of a personal, casual type of social interaction; that has indeed changed. New sites are being presented by businesses and not just as employee newsletters. Because of how SEO has evolved, blogging has turned into yet one more way for a company to spread its message and be seen by web browsers. Businesses are beginning to embrace this platform as an essential part of web marketing plan while realizing just how beneficial it can be.


In a nutshell, regularly using a blog is a great way to keep information moving on a business’s website. It is much more convenient to post new content to a separate platform integrated into a page; in addition, these forums go more places than websites themselves. They offer excellent connectivity between business websites and their social media profiles, tying them all together. Posts go up on a blog, get forwarded to social pages with both the posted article and the website gaining more visits – it’s as simple as that. Additionally, a continually updated forum is more likely to get backlinks from other forums as well as comments from viewers, all of which increase browser exposure.


Blogs are also much more useful for posting media content; this is great for any website as most of the platforms are already equipped to accept posts containing images, video and audio. Most include share buttons/links to many popular social media pages, a very important function since it offers an easy way for readers to forward information. Conveniently, most pages are already SEO optimized as well. Most blogging software does half the work; all that remains is to keep interesting, relevant information flowing.


The main thing that should be concentrated on is for keyword usage in the posts. The same basic SEO principles are used for setting up and posting to a blog as to the actual website, so SEO can be substantially helped from a keyword perspective.

Other Points

There are still a few other points to keep in mind when creating articles and entries to post. Considering that more conversions seem to happen when three and four-word key phrases are used, posting to a blog allows a greater opportunity for more combinations of these words to be picked up by web browsers. Additionally, many now allow setting up custom page url’s, which is one more step toward better SEO. Using the RSS feed function and submitting a site to one of the numerous blog directories is yet another way to be seen and indexed easier.

The moral of the story is that blogs have come a long way since being mere online personal journals. With a little bit of tweaking, connecting feeds to social media profiles and keeping up with frequent posts, a blog can be a business website’s best ally. The posts can be short as frequency is enough for them to continue showing up to web crawlers but not enough to be considered spam. This, along with the strategic use of keywords, go hand-in-hand in creating good SEO!

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