Make Money Online KEYWORDS Second Golden Rule on Keyword Research: Traffic

Second Golden Rule on Keyword Research: Traffic

Second Golden Rule on Keyword Research: Traffic post thumbnail image

Last week, we talked about the first golden rule in keyword research which is finding relevant keywords for your niche. Now armed with relevant keywords, we are now proceeding to the second golden rule:

Finding High Traffic Keywords

The only time you actually welcome high traffic is if you generate it because of relevant keywords that drove people to yourwebsite. It’s a fact that some keywords generate high levels of traffic while other keywords generate low levels of traffic. Receiving little traffic is not enough and is disappointing.

One of the best ways of improving your traffic that will really make a significant difference is by using the Market Samurai keyword tool.

Let’s Discover How This Works.

When you enter a word or phrase in the search engine box of Google, for example, it will then generate page results that will display related articles to your chosen keyword or phrase. Generally, a high percentage of people will choose to explore the website ranked number one. A smaller percentage of people will choose to explore the number two ranked website and so on.

According to Market Samurai, the average breakdown of these percentages is as follows:

The number 1 ranked website receives 42% of clicks

The number 2 ranked website receives 12% of clicks

The number 3 ranked website receives 8% of clicks

The number 4 ranked website receives 6% of clicks

The number 5 ranked website receives 5% of clicks

The number 6 ranked website receives 4% of clicks

The number 7 ranked website receives 3% of clicks

And the remaining clicks are shared between all the other sites listed in Google.

Clicks refer to the number of times people actually clicked through your website upon seeing it in the Google page rank results. Clicking through the link will, of course, direct them to your site, ergo, providing traffic. (Just imagine the stark difference in percentages from the number 1 ranked website to number 2. A whopping 30%!)

SEO Traffic

However, lest you get disappointed witha “more or less” results for the traffic you want to achieve and the actual traffic your website is actually getting through your manual efforts, Market Samurai has the nifty tool SEO Traffic (SEOT) which gives you an indication of the maximum daily visitors that the #1 ranked website in Google could potentially receive from each keyword.

SEOT features a trends column which provides a visual representation of the monthly traffic trends for each keyword. The graph always provides twelve months of trend information. It is also particularly useful for identifying keywords that are very seasonal.

There Are Actually Easy Steps That You Could Follow In This Tool That Helps You Identify High Traffic Keywords And Are Worth Targeting:

#1. Set A Traffic Filter.

In SEOT, all you have to do is just click the plus sign (+) next to SEO Traffic and enter a minimum traffic value. The suggested traffic value is 80. Any keyword or keyword phrases that do not have the potential to deliver at least 80 visitors a day to the number 1 ranked website in Google will be weeded out.

#2. Set A Phrase To Broad Match Filter Of 15%.

Also discussed in the first golden rule, this is used to filter out any misleading terms from Google.

Relevant keywords? Check.

High traffic keywords? Check.

What else is in store in keyword research? Find out what’s the third golden rule in the next post!

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