Make Money Online COPYWRITING Practical Copywriting Tips // With Kevin Rogers of Copy Chief

Practical Copywriting Tips // With Kevin Rogers of Copy Chief

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From traveling the country as a dead-broke stand-up comedian to legendary copywriter and founder of Copy Chief Community, Kevin Rogers is today’s special guest.

He shares valuable insights from his strange (but useful) background that any freelance copywriter or marketer can use right now to increase sales and grow their business at a record pace.

Show Highlights:
The ‘K Money’ backstory 2:42
The mindset for success and the truth about an overnight success 8:00
ABT: Are you doing THIS every day? 8:42
Kevin’s prediction for the future of copywriting and marketing 11:22
Six-second storytelling in the new age 13:00
Call yourself a copywriter? It’s no longer enough 13:42
The most integral part of any Video Sales Letter 19:52
How to keep readers glued with Kevin’s ‘secret weapon’ 29:22

A Marketing Expert
In today’s age, it’s no longer enough to call yourself a copywriter. You have to be a marketing expert and copywriting being your specialty. The world is moving at an alarming rate and it’s up to you to stay one step ahead of the game to compel your customers to take action.

Seriously ‘Bro’…Who’s going to read your 20-page sales letter…on their iPhone?

Kevin is no stranger when it comes to effective storytelling. In fact, he says ‘anyone can use the power of their own story to connect better with customers and compel them to take action. They just need to be shown how.’

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