Make Money Online PPC PPC and Article Marketing: Which Is Better?

PPC and Article Marketing: Which Is Better?

PPC and Article Marketing: Which Is Better? post thumbnail image

Article Marketing and Pay-Per-Click are two totally different selling strategies both operating under completely different unique methods, the former utilizing the potential of creating short and concise articles in order to promote a specific website and pay per click advertising honing in on specific keywords that the advertisers deem as the one that will be used by consumers to pull up their links and paying every time their ads are clicked. Everyone who has been in the online marketing business would agree to the fact that these two online marketing strategies are essential in obtaining valuable results and creating ways of pushing their sites to areas where they are just on a clicking distance.

Now, in determining which is better in bringing along the goal of increasing the earning potential of a specific selling website between pay per click advertising and article marketing, there are a lot of factors to be considered including cost effectiveness as well as click through rates and direct conversion from all types of visitors and changing them into paying and purchasing customers. What may be going against pay per click is the fact that there always is more results on the organic search engine list compared to the pay per click results and this scenario may have a psychological effect on the searcher, arriving at the idea that there may be more useful information on the organic search engine list than on the pay per click corner seen on the right side of the search engine page list.

Ten search results all corresponding to a one-word query may be more than enough to convince a searcher that there is more to be had on this corner of the website than go to a smaller grazing ground on the other corner of the computer screen and statistically, people, especially those who are not even aware of the Sponsored List on the right corner of the screen (you would be surprised that is a great number of people who are familiar with that corner and those who simply do not trust that portion of the web page), scan the organic search results first and when they ran out of options (which is absolutely rare) that is the only time that they try hesitatingly to click on the pay per click side. At the same time, with the use of article marketing, you get ranked based on merits that I can actually tag as relevant since the criteria borders on things and achievements that really make up for a good website such as good and useful content, a good number of relevant links (which shows the goodness of your website and how people perceive your site as a source of additional information since your peers desired to be associated with you by linking their sites with yours), the correct use and placement of keywords, and basic knowledge on HTML coding.

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