Make Money Online AUTOMATION Part 14: Cypress E2E Web Automation | Interacting with Elements | Handling File Upload

Part 14: Cypress E2E Web Automation | Interacting with Elements | Handling File Upload

Part 14: Cypress E2E Web Automation | Interacting with Elements | Handling File Upload post thumbnail image


In this part of the Cypress E2E Web Automation series, we’re going to be looking at how to interact with elements on a web page, including how to handle file uploads.

When it comes to web automation, one of the most important things you need to know is how to interact with elements on a web page. This includes learning how to find elements, how to click on them, how to input text into them, and how to select from dropdowns.

It also includes learning about some of the more advanced user interactions such as hovering over an element, dragging and dropping an element, and handling file uploads.

So let’s get started!

Finding Elements

The first step in interacting with any element on a web page is finding it. And there are a few different ways you can do this in Cypress.

The most common way is by using one of the various “cy.” commands. For example, you can use “cy.get()” to get an element by its id, “cy.get()” to get an element by its class name, or “cy.” to get an element by its tag name.

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