Make Money Online BUILDING WEBSITES Parallax Scrolling Website | How to Make Website using Html CSS & Javascript

Parallax Scrolling Website | How to Make Website using Html CSS & Javascript

Parallax Scrolling Website | How to Make Website using Html CSS & Javascript post thumbnail image

What is Parallax Scrolling?

Parallax scrolling is a scrolling technique used in web design, where background images move at a different speed to the foreground, creating an illusion of depth. This technique became popular in the 2010s, and has been used in websites, music videos, and video games.

How to Make a Parallax Scrolling Website

There are a few ways to create a parallax scrolling website. In this article, we will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

1. Create a HTML file and add the following code:

Parallax Scrolling

In this code, we set the height and width of the page to 100%, and set the background-image of the page to a photo. We also set the position of the photo to center center, and set the background-repeat to no-repeat.

Next, we create a div with the class of .parallax-layer. This div will be the layer that scrolls at a different speed than the background. We set the position and width of this div to absolute, and set the bottom and left to 0. This will ensure

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