Make Money Online FREELANCING Online Writing Courses – Don’t Fear the E-Learning Format

Online Writing Courses – Don’t Fear the E-Learning Format

Online Writing Courses – Don’t Fear the E-Learning Format post thumbnail image

Improved writing skills will always be an integral part of a person’s professional needs. No one will take the ability to communicate effectively for granted and the number of writing courses is testament to this fact. It is surprising then that even with the Internet bringing the product directly to the customer, the majority remain apprehensive of embracing the format. People need to realise that the concept of online writing courses is no longer a “new” format but the best possible solution that one can ask for.

More One-on-One Time Online

What worries most people is that the opportunity to interact with the instructor reduces when you move out of the classroom and into the e-learning room. The truth is just the opposite. If you consider how much of the classroom time is actually spent in one-on-one interaction, you would realise that it actually increases in the online world. A classroom involves lecture time. The time spent introducing a concept, explaining an idea and disseminating information. Just because you are looking into the instructor’s eyes does not make it one-on-one. The only real interaction happens when you ask a question or manage to catch him before he walks out of the room at the end.

In an online course, you don’t have a fixed period where you ask your questions or hope that you can elbow your way to the front in time. The fact that the instructor is messaging or chatting with you is irrelevant. The only measure is whether the answer clarifies your doubt.

Who Really Writes in Longhand Anymore

Today when people say write, they mean type. The word processor is where all your written work is actually produced. Why then would one be afraid of writing their assignments on their computers instead of scrambling to finish their first draft in class? Let’s face it; we all know that there is a world of difference between your first draft and the final draft. A writing course where you submit your final assignment instead of a shoddy first attempt is therefore a better measure of what you have learnt. In an online course, you would have the time to read what you’ve written, correct your work and most importantly, be absolutely sure of it before you turn it in. So when the instructor returns our work corrected and commented, you would get a much better idea of your improvement because he would correct your final assignment and not a hastily scribbled first attempt.

Don’t Worry About Missing Class

Almost all e-learning courses, especially online writing courses provide a study at your own time feature. Writing is something that can never be done quickly. You need to always make sure you write exactly what you meant to communicate. Since you are studying the course when you have the time, you are free from stress and anxiety before the class even begins. No problems of getting stuck in traffic and showing up half an hour late. No problems of a meeting going beyond time and missing class altogether. Flexibility is probably the biggest reason why people should realise that e-learning is the best solution for today’s hectic world.

Online writing courses have been around for nearly a decade. While it is understandable that someone would be hesitant about trying out a new product, just how long would you wait before you decide that it’s good enough for you?

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