Make Money Online MOBILE MARKETING Mobile Marketing On Facebook — 1 Advanced Trick To Lower Your Costs

Mobile Marketing On Facebook — 1 Advanced Trick To Lower Your Costs

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Mobile Marketing On Facebook — 1 Advanced Trick To Lower Your Costs

Alright, in this video you’re going to discover one advanced trick to lower your costs with mobile marketing on Facebook. Now, in a previous video I talked about running mobile ads on Facebook and how you need to have your mobile campaigns separate from your desktop campaigns. Now, once you’ve actually proven that mobile converts and desktop convert individually for your offer, then here’s a really sneaky trick that you can do.

See, Facebook has multiple options for the placement of your ad, and one of the placement options is called desktop and mobile news feed. And so what you can do is, after you’ve proven that the mobile and the desktop convert individually, you can create another campaign where you use the placement of desktop and mobile combined. By doing this, what happens is you’re going to get a lot higher CTR on your ad because the mobile ads get clicked way higher than the desktop ads, and that allows your desktop traffic to go down because with Facebook, the higher your CTR on your ad campaign, the lower the cost per click that you’re going to pay.

And so, the mobile CTR will pull up the CTR on your desktop, and it will lower the cost of your ads across both of those channels. So it’s a real sneaky way to get your desktop ads at a lot lower cost per click, and you’ll be able to convert across both of those channels and pay a lot less money for it.

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