Make Money Online LEAD GENERATION MLM Lead Generation At A Whole New Level

MLM Lead Generation At A Whole New Level

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Picture this… You are down to your last 50 bucks budgeted to build your MLM business. You have tried everything before, lead lists, mass emails, hanging flyers, holding meetings where no-one showed up.

What do you do with that last 50 bucks? Should you buy another list of dead beat leads, or should you work smart and bring in a vast amount of your own leads who are eager to buy what it is that you have to offer.

My money is on you choosing option B! 😉 You see generating a list of top quality leads who want what it is that you have, doesn’t have to break your bank account…

There are plenty of ways to attract leads to you by hardly spending a dime on advertising, so save your 50 bucks for a nice dinner, and focus on the important things, which are building your business.So what are some effective ways to get results without breaking the bank…?

No matter how much you want to believe that website that they can get you 10,000 visitors to your site for just 9.95, the fact is that it is too good to be true! So save your money…Traffic rotators, and other sites like this just deliver your ad to people who are rewarded for clicking on it, these people are not the right people to be targeting for your business. Save your 10 bucks for something that will go out to people who actually want what it is that you have.

Press releases and articles are a great way to get the word out. You can find hundreds of FREE press release and article submission services on the net. So write a compelling article about a page or so long that will entice your reader to click on your website link and submit it to 3 or 4 different services.

By all means, DO NOT pay for these services, no matter how much you want to take them up on their offer, again save your green stuff. Another untapped resource is the ever so popular EBay. Create a basic ad that is selling a 5 page article that you create for under 99 cents and place that ad with different subject lines all over ebay.

Be sure in your ad that you put a link for a free preview to your report and on that link have a brief preview and a capture page form on it so you can generate the leads…With eBay you must be careful to abide by the rules and regulations, there is a fine line between what they will allow and what they won’t. So if they tell you to stop. STOP!

These are just a couple examples of some great ways to generate free traffic to your sites, or at least ways to drive traffic by only spending a couple bucks. The important thing is that you always find a way to capture people’s name and email at least no matter what you do.

If you would like to learn more about attracting leads and prospects to you and generating leads on a tight budget be sure to check out my blog:

On there you will find some great information on how to build your business on a tight budget.

You will also be given the ability to sign up for my 7 day “Downline Attraction System” course absolutely free.

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