Make Money Online WEBSITES Make Money Online Through Web Traffic

Make Money Online Through Web Traffic

Make Money Online Through Web Traffic post thumbnail image

Take AdSense for example, you get paid per visitor right, well the more visitors you get that click on the ad the more money you make. So the key is in creating traffic to your website.

Listed below are some key ways to do this:

• Sell advertising space, allow people to place banners on your website and exchange links.

• Start an affiliate program, this will allow people to sell your product and service, directing traffic to your site and they then get paid commission on every successful sale.

• Get a RSS feed this is growing in popularity.

• Offer freebies, such as a program that can be downloaded on a trial period, allowing the user to see its benefits.

• Advertise everywhere possible, e.g. newspapers, flyers, school boards etc

• Join chat rooms, discuss your product, and insert a link to your web page.

• Run a survey on your website and get feedback on how you can improve your product.

• Try experimenting with Pop-ups, they can be quite effective, although they are a bit annoying they do seem to get you “out there”

Creating Web traffic is a key element to making money, there are many ways to generate traffic, but most importantly you need to remember that content is just as important as advertising, you need to make sure that you update information on a regular basis, your content needs to be fresh and original to keep people coming back.

Its also very important to analyze the traffic that comes to your website because it can really make or break your website.

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