Make Money Online CRAIGSLIST Make Money Online – Learn How!

Make Money Online – Learn How!

Make Money Online – Learn How! post thumbnail image

Looking for ways to make money online can be intimidating and scary. You will find many resources that are full of information, tips and tricks to running your own online business. The key to finding great ways to make money online is to really do your homework. Watch videos, search blogs and research to find out what has worked for others and what has not. Know what to avoid.

One great way to make money online is in utilizing E-commerce. In recent years, those who create things have found this to be a wonderful tool for bringing in extra income at home, or even as a sole income. There are a number of sites that allow for you to upload photos of your works, display them and set your price- either a set price or by way of auctions. Companies like Etsy and eBay are two examples of E-commerce sites that are great places to get started. Search around, and find an online marketplace that you feel is easy for you to use, and will get you the most traffic.

The best practices in utilizing these online marketplaces are: make sure that you have a very clear photo or photos of the products you are selling. If you plan to sell virtual products such as web site building or article writing, it’s always a good idea to have a portfolio at the ready to show prospective clients what you can do. Another thing, when you’re offering tangible goods, be sure that you ship promptly and offer order tracking. Your customers want to know where their order is, and how long it will take to arrive at their doorstep. When writing product descriptions, avoid flowery prose. Stick to descriptions that are honest, to the point and ask yourself… “What questions would I have if I were buying this item?” and answer them in your descriptions.

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