Make Money Online ADVERTISING Lesson 5.5 Interview: Online Advertising and Analytics

Lesson 5.5 Interview: Online Advertising and Analytics

Lesson 5.5 Interview: Online Advertising and Analytics post thumbnail image

The title of this lesson is “Interview: Online Advertising and Analytics.” The lesson is about how to make your website or blog more effective by using online advertising and analytics.

You’ve probably heard of Google Analytics. It’s a free service that shows you how people find your website, how they interact with it, and what kind of device they were using. Google Analytics is important because it helps you track your website’s performance and improve it over time.

But what about online advertising? Do you need to pay for ads on Google or Facebook in order to be successful?

The answer is maybe. It depends on your goals. For example, if you’re a small business owner and you’re trying to reach new customers, online advertising can be a great way to do that. But if you’re a blogger who just wants to share your thoughts with the world, you might not need to pay for ads at all.

In this lesson, we’ll interview two experts on online advertising and analytics: Adam Guerin from Google, and Tim Peterson from Moz. We’ll find out what they think about online advertising and analytics, and we’ll learn some tips on how to use these tools effectively.

Adam Guerin is a senior product marketing manager at Google. He works on the team that develops and promotes Google Analytics.

Tim Peterson is the senior analyst at Moz, a software company that makes tools for website owners and marketers. He writes about digital marketing trends and gives talks on SEO and content marketing.

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