Make Money Online KEYWORDS Keywords Tool – Identify the Profitable Keywords

Keywords Tool – Identify the Profitable Keywords

Keywords Tool – Identify the Profitable Keywords post thumbnail image

Using a keywords tool is essential to keyword research in internet marketing. You use keywords in every form of promotion. Internet marketers need to know what their client niche is looking for in order to be able to reach their targeted audience.

Keywords are the words that are typed into the search bars by people looking for information. When these keywords are typed the search engines will produce results of documents which are tagged with those words. So if you have an article that has the keywords that someone types in the search bar, you have a chance of coming up in the search engine results.

For internet marketers it is important to know which words are going to give you the best profit. So you have to choose keywords accordingly.

The buying cycle has three stages. Therefore keyword research is done accordingly:

1. Browsing stage. At this stage people are just starting to gather information. The keywords that they use are not targeted. They are general keywords, such as “dog training”. They are not sure what specific type of training they are searching for.

The keywords at this stage get the most traffic and the most competition. They are also the most expensive and have the lowest click through rate and the lowest conversion rate.

So this is not a good stage to target your niche at. It can be very costly and risky.

2. Comparing stage. Here, people are more educated on their search and are starting to develop ideas of what it is they want. They are starting to look at certain products. The keywords here are narrower, more targeted, such as “dog leash training vs. dog clicker training”, or even narrower by identifying and comparing two products by name.

Keywords at this stage are more targeted. They get average traffic and competition. The cost of keywords is also lower. The click through rate is higher than in stage one, and the conversion is also higher.

This stage can be profitable.

3. Buying stage. This is the most targeted stage. People here are ready to buy and have a pretty good idea of what they are looking for. At this stage they will search for specific products. They are usually looking at a specific product by product name and brand.

The keywords for this stage are the most targeted. Long tail keywords, specific to products are used at this stage. These keywords are specific, they are low cost, and have low volume of searches. They have the least traffic and least competition. However, they produce the highest click through rate, as well as the highest conversion.

This is the stage that is most profitable to target. Most super affiliates usually concentrate on this stage.

For any kind of promotion in internet marketing, this keyword research is essential. This is the foundation of all your campaigns, whether you target your niche at stage 1, 2 or 3.

It is very important to use a keywords tool for targeted keywords results. A tool should help you identify the number of searches as well as your competition, in order for you to make an educated decision. Once you have this information, you are ready to start your promotion.


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