Make Money Online KEYWORDS Keyword Popularity Tool

Keyword Popularity Tool

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Finding the right keyword popularity tool is crucial and could make or break a campaign’s success in search engine result pages (SERP) and your ability to crush the competition. Targeting the wrong keywords within your niche could result in you being the one who gets crushed by a competitor.If you are still thinking that the free keywords tools that are provided for your “help” (lol) by Google, you are about to see your earnings go down in flames, or worse, never get your marketing off the ground. What I mean is this; if you do not have a single campaign that pays your overhead, your campaign is not yet “off the ground”.

A great keyword popularity tool will help you with choosing the right keywords and phrases that will allow you to go after traffic that has been over looked by the competition. Usually these little gems are overlooked because people are using the free tools that just do not give all the info you need. With a good keyword popularity tool, you can see which keyword combinations are more popular and also get ideas for more keyword combinations and then check the REAL competition on those phrases which will result in saving you some money and a lot of effort, especially if you are article marketing.

What I like most about the keyword popularity tool I use is that it provides the information I need to finalize the destruction of campaigns that do not belong to me. It’s like this; if I know where my competitor is publishing his content, the strength of his content, the strength of his publishing platform (PR of the site where his content is published), all I have to do is one up his efforts, across the board and I will own him. A good tool will give me all this information so that there is no wasted effort on my part. This strategy has worked over and over and helped me to become very successful in the realm of Internet Marketing

If you have been too cheap to purchase a good keyword popularity tool, you may be one of the victims of a hardcore marketer who has a taste for the blood of the cheap internet marketer. Cheap internet marketers who do not own a solid keyword popularity tool are easy targets and you can bet that they struggle everyday to keep a hold on their weak positions in the SERPS. While holding positions can be done with articles linking back to your sales platform, you need the CORRECT anchor links (keywords) to do it. And if you think Google is going to give you all the information you need to dominate their system with a free tool, you may want to find another line of work because you are just too naive to be in this business.

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