Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT Javascript Tutorial For Beginners – #3 Javascript Functions Tutorial

Javascript Tutorial For Beginners – #3 Javascript Functions Tutorial

Javascript Tutorial For Beginners – #3 Javascript Functions Tutorial post thumbnail image

In this tutorial, we will be discussing functions in Javascript. Functions are a way to group related code together. They can be defined in a number of ways, including inline, in a function declaration, or in a function expression. Functions can be named or anonymous.

Named functions are defined by a name, and they can be called from other places in your code. Anonymous functions are defined by a function expression, and they are not named. They are only called from within the function that defines them.

Function declarations are defined in a function block, and they are hoisted to the top of the block. This means that they are available in the block, even if they are not called from within the block. Function expressions are not hoisted, and they are only available in the context in which they are defined.

In this tutorial, we will be discussing the following topics:

– What are functions in Javascript?
– How are functions defined?
– What are the differences between named and anonymous functions?
– What is the difference between function declarations and function expressions?
– What are the benefits of using functions in Javascript?

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