Make Money Online EMAIL MARKETING Increase Sales With Browse Abandonment (SMS and Email Marketing) | @sadiasaleemco on TikTok #Shorts

Increase Sales With Browse Abandonment (SMS and Email Marketing) | @sadiasaleemco on TikTok #Shorts

Increase Sales With Browse Abandonment (SMS and Email Marketing) | @sadiasaleemco on TikTok #Shorts post thumbnail image

If you’re finding that you’re getting traffic to your ecommerce store, but not too many sales – one solution to this is setting up a browse abandonment series with your text message marketing and your email marketing.

By setting up a browse abandonment series, you’ll be reaching back out to website visitors who landed on your site, browsed around, but didn’t add anything to their checkout and purchase anything.

Most website visitors in this stage need a bit of a push and want answers or clarifications regarding the products that they were browsing, so this is a great way to get in touch with them to provide more information and to help increase your shopify store conversion rate.

I’ll be sharing the behind the scenes of my journey into entrepreneurship in the past few years alongside quick and digestible email marketing and sms marketing tips on TikTok.

Postscript SMS Marketing:

👇 For SMS + Email Growth Campaigns That Amplify Your Revenue, Chat With Me Here:

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