Make Money Online MAKE MONEY ONLINE I Quit Trying to Make Money Online (Me Being Honest With You)

I Quit Trying to Make Money Online (Me Being Honest With You)

I Quit Trying to Make Money Online (Me Being Honest With You) post thumbnail image

I’m going to be honest with you: I quit trying to make money online.

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “What the hell? She’s been blogging for years and making a full-time income from it. Why would she quit now?”

Well, there are a few reasons, but the biggest one is that I’m just tired. Tired of the constant hustle, tired of the never-ending grind, tired of trying to eke out a living from something that should be so simple.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for everything that I’ve accomplished online. I’ve been able to support myself and my family for years thanks to my online endeavors. But there’s a big difference between making a living and actually enjoying your life. And lately, I just haven’t been enjoying myself very much.

I think part of the problem is that I’ve been chasing other people’s definitions of success for too long. I’ve been trying to do what everyone else says you should do in order to “make it” online. But the thing is, I’m not everyone else. And what works for them might not work for me.

So, I’m done with all that. I’m done trying to fit into someone else’s mold. From now on, I’m going to focus on doing what makes ME happy. And if that means making a little less money, then so be it.

So if you’re wondering why you haven’t seen much of me lately, that’s why. And if you’re wondering whether or not this is the end of my blogging career, don’t worry – it isn’t. I’m just taking a break from the money-making side of things for awhile so that I can enjoy the writing part again. Because at the end of the day, that’s what this should be about: writing because we love it, not because we’re trying to make a buck off of it.

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