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html tutorial for beginners | html tutorial for beginners in hindi | learn html & css #html #html

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HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page. It consists of a series of elements that specify how the content of a web page is to be structured and displayed.

HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language that is used to create structure and content for web pages. Web browsers do not execute HTML code, they simply render it according to the standards defined in the HTML specification.

HTML was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. The first version of HTML was very simple and only included a few elements. The latest version of HTML is HTML5, which was published in 2014.

HTML5 is the most recent version of the preeminent HyperText Markup Language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web, commonly known as “HTML.” Following are some New Features Added in HTML5:

1) New Semantic Elements: With HTML4, all we had were generic containers like “div” and “span” to group together related items on a page. These were often used with CSS class names to give them meaning (e.g., “div class=’header'”). But this approach made our markup (HTML code) very messy, especially when there were no related items to group together. For example, we might have had something like this:

Whereas with HTML5, we now have specific elements for common sections of a website like headers, footers, navigation, etc.:

These new elements make our markup much cleaner and easier to understand. They also help Search Engines better understand our content so they can provide more relevant search results.

2) Audio and Video Playback: With HTML4, we had to use special plugins (like Flash) to play audio and video files on our web pages. But with HTML5, audio and video playback is now built-in! This means that we can easily embed audio and video files into our web pages without having to rely on 3rd party plugins. Audio & Video Formats Supported by HTML5 Browser

All major browsers have started supporting the following audio/video formats:

WebM – Google/Opera/Firefox
Ogg – Google/Firefox/Opera
MP4 – Safari/IE9+ (Windows only)

Note: MP3 format support has also been added in Firefox 19+ & Opera 12+.

Just like with images, we can use the “controls” attribute to display playback controls for audio & video files:

We can also embed YouTube videos into our web pages using just an empty element: We can even create our own custom video players using the new “media element API”: var vid = document .getElementById(“myVideo”); function playVid() { vid .play(); } function pauseVid() { vid .pause(); } 3) Geo-Location Support: With HTML5, websites can now request access to your current location so they can provide you with more relevant content based on where you are located geographically. For example, if you’re looking for nearby restaurants on Yelp, it will ask you for permission to access your location so it can show you restaurants that are near your current location. Or if you’re looking up movie showtimes on Fandango, it will again ask you for permission to access your location so it could show you movie theaters near you along with showtimes for movies that are currently playing at those theaters.. To add geo-location support to your website, all you need to do is add one line of code: navigator .geolocation .getCurrentPosition(showPosition); The above code requests permission from the user’s browser to access their current position information (latitude & longitude). If permission is granted by the user, their current position information is then passed as an argument (latitude & longitude) into the showPosition() function where it can be used however we want.. Here’s an example of how we could use geo-location information to display nearby landmarks on a map: function showPosition(position) { var lat = position .coords .latitude; var lon = position

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