Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT HTML Course – How the Web Works | Beginner's Tutorial | #1

HTML Course – How the Web Works | Beginner's Tutorial | #1

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HTML Course – How the Web Works | Beginner’s Tutorial | #1

The World Wide Web is a vast and complex system that most people take for granted. How does the web work? How do websites and browsers communicate? In this article, we’ll take a beginner’s look at how the web works.

The web is a collection of documents, images, and other resources that are linked together. When you open a web browser and type in a web address, your browser connects to a web server and downloads the resources for that website. The website’s resources are stored on the server in a special format called HTML.

HTML is a markup language that tells browsers how to display the website’s resources. HTML tags are used to format text, create links, and add other features. When a browser downloads an HTML document, it parses the HTML tags and displays the document accordingly.

Most websites use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create their appearance and functionality. CSS is used to style the HTML document, and JavaScript is used to add interactivity. When a browser downloads an HTML document with CSS and JavaScript, it parses the CSS and JavaScript and displays the document accordingly.

So that’s a basic overview of how the web works. In future articles, we’ll take a closer look at HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and we’ll explore how to create websites and web applications.

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