Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT HTML and CSS Tutorial for beginners 0 – Full Video

HTML and CSS Tutorial for beginners 0 – Full Video

HTML and CSS Tutorial for beginners 0 – Full Video post thumbnail image

If you’re starting to learn HTML and CSS, or if you’ve been working with the web for awhile but never learned the basics of HTML and CSS, this is the tutorial for you! In this full video course, instructor Morten Rand-Hendriksen takes you through everything you need to know about these two fundamental technologies used to create web pages and web applications. You’ll learn how HTML ( HyperText Markup Language) provides the structure for content on a web page, and how CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style that content. You’ll also come away with a strong foundation in web standards and best practices.

The course starts with an overview of HTML5, the latest version of HTML. You’ll learn about the new features in HTML5 that make building web pages easier and more semantic than ever before. You’ll also explore the different text tags used in HTML, including headings, paragraphs, lists, and more. Then it’s on to styling your content with CSS. You’ll learn how to select elements on a page and style them using CSS properties like color, font-family, and margins. You’ll also discover how to use CSS3 properties like border-radius and background gradients to create beautiful designs. And finally, you’ll learn how to use the all-new Flexbox layout mode in CSS3 to create responsive layouts that look great on any device size.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a strong understanding of how to build web pages using HTML and CSS. So let’s get started!

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