Make Money Online BANNERS how to use banner ads in gamemaker 2.3 (admob) 2021

how to use banner ads in gamemaker 2.3 (admob) 2021

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It’s no secret that banner ads are one of the most effective ways to monetize your mobile game. But what many developers don’t realize is that there’s more to banner ads than just throwing up a static image and hoping for the best. In this article, we’ll explore some of the different ways you can use banner ads in your Gamemaker 2.3 (Admob) game to maximize revenue and keep your players happy.

1. Use A/B Testing to Find the Best Ad Placement

One of the most important things you can do when using banner ads is to experiment with different ad placements to see what works best for your game. A/B testing allows you to show two different versions of your game to two different groups of players and see which one performs better. This is an essential tool for finding the optimal placement for your banner ad so that it doesn’t interfere with gameplay or annoy your players.

2. Incorporate Banner Ads Into the Gameplay

Banner ads don’t have to be a intrusive eyesore in your game. You can actually incorporate them into the gameplay in a way that is both unobtrusive and effective. For example, you could have a character hold up a sign advertising a product during idle animations or have billboards in the background of levels that players have to destroy as part of the objective. There are endless possibilities for how you can integrate banner ads into your gameplay, so get creative!

3. Use Animated Banner Ads

Static banner ads are so yesterday. These days, you should be using animated banner ads to catch players’ attention and hold it long enough to make an impact. Animated ads are more eye-catching and engaging than static ones, and they’re also more effective at conveying complex messages. If you’re not using animated banner ads in your Gamemaker 2.3 (Admob) game, you’re missing out on a valuable opportunity to increase revenue.

4. Take Advantage of Rich Media Ads

Rich media ads are another great way to grab attention andboost revenue. These are interactive ads that allow users to interact with them in some way, such as by playing a mini-game or watching a video. Rich media ads are usually more expensive than traditional banner ads, but they’re also much more effective at getting users to take action. If you want to give rich media ads a try, be sure to use A/B testingto find out where they perform best in your game so that you don’t waste money on placements that don’t work well.

5. Make Sure Your Ads Are Targeted

Last but not least, it’s important to make sure that your banner ads are targeted at the right audience. There’s no point in showing an ad for a product that nobody cares about or would never buy. Not only will this annoy your players, but it will also waste precious ad space that could be used for something else. Luckily, Admob offers sophisticated targeting options that allow you to show your ads only to people who are likely to be interested in them. So take advantage of these features and make sure your banner ads are always relevant and valuable to your audience.

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