Make Money Online WORDPRESS How to Set Up My First Website to Make Money Online

How to Set Up My First Website to Make Money Online

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Building a website can be tricky, difficult and extremely frustrating especially if you have never done it. Luckily there are more and more website builders and softwares coming out making life so much more easier. So what it means is that even if you don’t know any HTML OR programming, you can still build websites.

WordPress: This is the popular platform Internet Marketers are using these days. WordPress is so easy to install, set up and get going that it is a dream way to build websites even for non techies. And what’s more WordPress with the right plugins can help your websites rank higher than the static websites.

Website Building Softwares: There are a ton of other website builders like XSite Pro, Microsoft Front Page, Dreamweaver etc. that make the task of building websites much more easy.

You can also take advantage of free Web 2.0 properties online like Blogger, WordPress, Squidoo, Hubpages, Buzzle etc. However it is not advisable to put a lot of content in these sites as these platforms are third party sites and so you don’t have complete control over it.

If you have a start up capital, you can outsource these tasks to places like Odesk,, Warrior Forum etc. Make sure that you select the appropriate outsourcers and interview them thoroughly before assigning them the task. Also it is very important from your end to know exactly the kind of website you need in order to give the exact specifications to the website designer and programmer.

There are a ton of step-by-step tutorials available online and on YouTube that clearly explain how to build your websites the right way. Whatever route you choose to take, make sure that adding new content and maintaining websites can be done easily, especially if you are just getting started in Internet Marketing.

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