Make Money Online MOBILE MARKETING How to Persuade Your Home Business Prospects to Read Your Mobile Ad

How to Persuade Your Home Business Prospects to Read Your Mobile Ad

How to Persuade Your Home Business Prospects to Read Your Mobile Ad post thumbnail image

Mobile marketing is fast becoming the new advertising approach for many Internet marketers and home business owners online today. Email marketing may be taking a back seat because many more people have access to mobile phones than Internet connections throughout the day and many of them check their text messages more often than their email.

You can also reach people instantly with your text ad while your email message may get lost in a spam folder and may never be read. However, simply sending a sales pitch to someone’s cell phone won’t attract customers because people are inundated with ads every day and most of them hate being sold to and being told what to do.

So in order to get people to read your text ad you have to make them an offer they can’t refuse such as giving them something for free. Most people these days have the, “what’s in it for me” attitude and if you don’t address this issue they won’t act on your ad.

Most of us are receptive to any offer that will enhance our lives in some way; either by solving a problem we may be experiencing or by making some aspect of our lives a little easier. Here are four ways you can get your home business prospects to respond to your text message:

1. If you can make your prospects lives more convenient in some respect by offering a free service for example that will help make some process easier for them to go through. If your niche is looking for a particular product at a reasonable price you could offer to find the store offering the lowest price in town for them free of charge.

2. You can create some kind of contest which entices your audience to interact in some way in order to be eligible to win the monthly prize. People are always looking for some form of entertainment and by giving them the opportunity to win something you’re more likely to get a positive response from your message.

3. Information is a valuable commodity in today’s world and people seem to be always craving more of it in one form or another. For example, you could provide information on the best restaurants in town or the fastest way to get from point A to point B via a local map or even provide a daily how to tip or some other piece of information that may not be at their finger tips. This will help persuade them to react to your ad by taking the required action.

4. People are motivated by the idea of saving money, now more than ever, because of the current state of the economy. So by offering them discounts, free trials or simply by giving stuff away you can grab their attention and motivate them to read your text message.

As with any form of advertising mobile messages need to stand out and they need to convince your prospects to perform the required act so you can add them to your home business list and make some money.

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