Make Money Online CRAIGSLIST How to Make Money by the Weekend With 3 Steps

How to Make Money by the Weekend With 3 Steps

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During these hard economic times, many people are forced to look at other options for making ends meet. This may be harder for some than for others.

The internet offers so many different approaches to making money that does not require a lot of techie knowledge. Making money online is not as complicated as rocket science is the thought of some people. I beg to differ! Over the last couple of months, I have been “creative” in finding alternate sources to be able to make money on my own just like everyone else. Here are my first three ways:

1) EBay & Craigslist
2) Personal Website
3) Affiliate Marketing

First of all, EBay and Craigslist are a wonderful way to be able to secure some immediate cash. There are over 3 million people who look to EBay as their prime source for products as well as their prime source of income. Some people make more money buy buying the products from these sites then reselling them at a higher value. Why would you not look into this option?

Secondly, a website is an automatic cash machine! As of January, I considered this venture to be out of my “league”. Boy was I wrong! Anyone can create a website and begin making money in hours! Don’t let this idea intimidate you. It is really very simple to create your own website.

Finally, if you don’t want to create your own website, there are plenty of people willing to pay you to help them promote theirs! Go to any search engine and look for “affiliate marketing” to gain some insight on what this is – if you do not already know. This business can make as much as a thousand dollars per week but costs you nothing to begin. The key is to find a program that will compensate you based on percentages of sales. Some of them are low paying programs but there are programs out there that will pay you a couple of hundred per sale. You just need to look at what they pay and whether the affiliate program is worth promoting before you sign up. This will give you the chance to have the high income business that you want. Take some time one afternoon and look into this option.

Now, let’s stop making excuses and begin making some money! Create your own economic stimulus package by this weekend!

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