Make Money Online VIDEO MARKETING How to Make Animation Video | Explainer Videos | WhiteBoard Video Free (Step by Step ) | Hindi

How to Make Animation Video | Explainer Videos | WhiteBoard Video Free (Step by Step ) | Hindi

How to Make Animation Video | Explainer Videos | WhiteBoard Video Free (Step by Step ) | Hindi post thumbnail image

Animation video making is an interesting process that can be used to create explainer videos, whiteboard videos, or any other type of video. The first step is to come up with an idea for the video. This can be done by brainstorming and writing down all of the ideas that come to mind. Once an idea is chosen, the next step is to create a storyboard. This is a series of sketches that show how the video will flow. The storyboard can be changed later on, but it is a good idea to have one to help plan the video.

The next step is to create the animation. This can be done in a variety of ways, but the most common is using software like Adobe After Effects or Adobe Animate. These programs allow you to create animations using a variety of tools. The next step is to add the audio. This can be done by recording a voiceover or finding royalty-free music and sound effects. The audio can be added to the animation in the software program or in a separate program like Adobe Premiere.

The final step is to export the video. This can be done in a variety of formats, but the most common is to export it as a video file. The video can then be uploaded to YouTube or other video sharing websites.

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