Make Money Online BUILDING WEBSITES How To Make A Mutli Vendor eCommerce Marketplace Website With WordPress 2021 (Like Amazon)

How To Make A Mutli Vendor eCommerce Marketplace Website With WordPress 2021 (Like Amazon)

How To Make A Mutli Vendor eCommerce Marketplace Website With WordPress 2021 (Like Amazon) post thumbnail image

In recent years, eCommerce has become an increasingly popular way to buy and sell goods and services online. According to, global eCommerce sales are expected to exceed $4 trillion by 2021. If you’re looking to get into the eCommerce game, one option is to create a multi-vendor marketplace website. In this article, we’ll show you how to create a multi-vendor marketplace website with WordPress.

To create a multi-vendor marketplace website with WordPress, you’ll need to install and activate the WP eCommerce plugin. This plugin allows you to create an online store with a variety of features, including the ability to add multiple vendors.

Once the WP eCommerce plugin is installed and activated, you’ll need to create a new product category. This category will be for your multi-vendor marketplace.

Next, you’ll need to create a new product. This product will be the main product for your marketplace. In the product settings, you’ll need to specify that this product is a marketplace product.

You’ll also need to specify the vendor for this product. This will be the main vendor for your marketplace.

Now, you’ll need to create a new vendor. This vendor will be a seller on your marketplace. In the vendor settings, you’ll need to specify that this vendor is a marketplace vendor.

You’ll also need to specify the product for this vendor. This will be the product that this vendor is selling on your marketplace.

Now, you’ll need to create a new product. This product will be a product that is sold on your marketplace. In the product settings, you’ll need to specify that this product is a marketplace product.

You’ll also need to specify the vendor for this product. This will be the vendor that is selling this product on your marketplace.

Now, your marketplace is ready to go! Vendors can add products, and buyers can purchase products from your marketplace.

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