Make Money Online VIDEO MARKETING How To Get Massive Traffic – 3 Secret Internet Marketing Strategies

How To Get Massive Traffic – 3 Secret Internet Marketing Strategies

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Loads of traffic is the number one reason why people are able to make millions of dollars online.

Without traffic there is no way you could possibly do it. All the top internet marketers have huge email lists constantly being expanded even bigger.

Your job as an internet marketer is to constantly find new email subscribers because you know:”The money is in the relationship with the email list”.

I’m going to reveal to you 3 secret internet marketing strategies, which will work wonders for you because they certainly have for many others.

Just give them a try and you’ll see what happens. But don’t expect me to give you some “push-button” software and make you rich overnight.

Although the strategies I’m giving you are incredibly powerful, you need to actually put in some work. Especially, in the beginning when you’re getting familiar with the strategies.

Here are the strategies…

Joint Ventures

It’s all about leverage in business.

A joint venture or JV is an agreement between you and the other business partner. The agreement could be in any particular form, but let’s cut off that terminology for a while.

One really amazing way how you could utilize the power of joint ventures is to use their own web property.

By web property I mean something like thank you pages, squeeze pages, download pages, bonus pages, up-sells, email newsletters, blogs, banners, sidebars, etc. Really, the only limitation is one’s imagination.

Now, how do you leverage their web property?


Let’s say that you have an eBook or PDF report which you wrote yourself. Well, you could contact them by email and tell them that you would like to JV with them.

Tell them that you like their products and like their website (honestly), but would like to help them out even more. And you would like to do it for free.

You just give them your eBook or PDF report for free.

But the hook here is that you expect to get new visitors in return. They promote your free eBook, but you get new visitors to your website.

The way to do this is to create a promo at the end of the eBook to make them click through to your opt-in box whether on a squeeze page or blog or whatever.

See how cool this is?

It works because everyone knows how hard it is to crank out good content. Both sides benefit because they get quality content and you get free exposure to your website.

Definitely check this strategy out!

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is one of my favorite strategies to bring in 100’s of new visitors and subscribers to my email newsletter.

The way it works is simple.

When you have written quality content, instead of publishing it on your own blog, you send it over to other webmasters to publish it on their blog.

The reason?

Because, when your blog is relatively new and not many people know you, then the traffic you usually get is very small.

Therefore, I advise you leverage other bloggers’ traffic and get published on other bigger blogs than your own blog.

How to do it?

You find other like-minded bloggers which write about your topic or are in your niche and contact them. Tell them that you would like to write a guest post for them.

Now, many big blogs already have a “write for us” or “guest posting guidelines” section where you can fill in the details and paste the guest post there.

It’s really that easy!

One thing you need to know, though, is that always go for the big fish. The most traffic comes from big and “noisy” blogs. The small ones are not so much of an advantage.

Ebook Syndication

There’s still one very powerful strategy for you to try out. And it’s called eBook syndication.

Again let’s take that eBook or PDF report you already have and get some extra traffic. If you don’t have a PDF, then take your article or blog post and convert it into a PDF. You can do it with one of the many free Word-to-PDF converters.

Once you have your PDF, then you have to submit it to some of the major eBook directories.

Some of those include:

The best part of this strategy is that there’s not much work involved. You can take any article you already have collecting dust on your computer and turn it into a PDF, then submit it to eBook directories to get extra traffic.

You would be amazed at how much traffic you’re leaving on the table. Most people use their article only once. But you could gain an edge over them by reusing your existing content.

It doesn’t stop with eBook directories. There are also document sharing sites.

Some of them are here:

Actually, it doesn’t stop there too.

You can take your article and re-purpose it in many different ways. Make an audio and submit it to all the major podcast directories, then create a video of it. You can use Microsoft PowerPoint + Camtasia Studio or other free tools.

I strongly advise you try out these strategies. The best way, though, is to do it one strategy at a time.

They won’t take you long before you learn them and discover how powerful they are. If you use them correctly, then you can expect to bring in 100’s and even 1000’s of new visitors to your website.

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