How To Get Free Traffic With Social Network Marketing | WEB 2.0 Sites
Web 2.0 is very much the latest buzz in the internet world. Web 2.0 represents a significant new phase in the development of the internet and it is bound to have a severe and lasting impact in the way we perceive and use the internet. Web 2.0 refers to the second generation of websites on the internet. Web 2.0 is primarily a result of a silent ‘rebellion’ against the commercial nature of traditional websites and partly a reaction of human nature to form communities and to group together.
When it comes to getting free traffic, web 2.0 opened up a vast new world of opportunities for many marketers willing to venture into previously unexplored territory. Although websites like MySpace has been around for quite a while, it only recently exploded in size – almost like a ‘boom town’ and everybody who is anybody just had to ‘be there’.
If you own a website and you are trying to get more free traffic, then web 2.0 is the answer to your prayers. Web 2.0 might even make the need for your own website obsolete, because once you learn how to tap into this vast new world, each of which is like a free traffic web, you can ‘sell’ and promote your products straight from these Web 2.0 traffic sources. There are primarily three reasons why web 2.0 traffic is the best website traffic you can buy:
Firstly, Web 2.0 traffic is free as most of these social websites are based on ‘community’ generated content. Nothing beats free traffic and regardless of your business online, without traffic you won’t be in business.
Secondly, Web 2.0 traffic is very credible. Since these ‘free traffic webs’ are build around communities, it’s all about people interacting and helping each other. Compare this to traditional websites that are almost always out to sell you something and you will know why people are much more likely to trust advice they receive in these communities.
Lastly, Web 2.0 traffic is much more qualified as these social sites are much more interactive and low key. Things tend to spread by word of mouth and everything is just so much more interactive and personal – which makes it so much more trustworthy.
If you are trying to get traffic from these Web 2.0 sources you should be warned that the rules are completely different to that of the ‘old school web’. Think of a Web 2.0 site as a city and with those who have Blogs or mini sites as the buildings in the city. The inhabitant are exactly the same – they are still human beings and for you to ‘get in’ as an outsider you have to build (and maintain) people’s trust. If you do this you will be hugely successful. If you don’t you will be kicked out and have the city gates slammed shut behind you. It’s all about building trust and a good solid reputation. Once you do, word of mouth will do all the hard work for you and building traffic becomes a breeze.
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