Make Money Online KEYWORDS How to Find Keywords for Zazzle Products

How to Find Keywords for Zazzle Products

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Are you a Zazzle designer or seller looking for new, high-traffic keywords to help promote your products? If so, this article is for you!

Finding the right keywords is essential for any online business, but it can be especially challenging on platforms like Zazzle where there are millions of products competing for attention.

With a little effort and creativity, however, it is possible to find keywords that will help your products stand out from the crowd and attract buyers.

Here are some tips for finding keywords for Zazzle products:

1. Use keyword research tools: There are a number of great keyword research tools available online, such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Wordstream’s Free Keyword Tool. These tools can help you find popular keywords related to your product niche.

2. Think like a buyer: When you’re trying to come up with keywords, it’s important to think about what potential buyers might search for when they’re looking for products like yours. What words or phrases would they use? What kind of information are they looking for?

3. Get specific: Generic keywords like “mug” or “t-shirt” will be very difficult to rank for on Zazzle (or anywhere else). It’s important to get specific with your keywords in order to have a chance of ranking in the search results. For example, instead of “mug,” you could try “coffee mug,” “travel mug,” or “ personalized mug.”

4. Use long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are simply longer, more specific phrases that are less competitive than shorter, more generic keywords. For example, instead of just “t-shirt,” you could try “men’s t-shirt,” “women’s t-shirt,” or “custom t-shirt.”

5. Use keyword modifiers: Another great way to make your keywords more specific (and therefore less competitive) is to use keyword modifiers. For example, instead of just “coffee mug,” you could try “best coffee mug,” “unique coffee mug,” or “cheap coffee mug.”

6. Brainstorm with fellow designers/sellers: If you know other Zazzle designers or sellers who create similar products as you do, brainstorm with them! They may have some great ideas that you hadn’t thought of before.

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