Make Money Online BANNERS How to Create Fast and Easy Niche Websites With Socrates WordPress Theme

How to Create Fast and Easy Niche Websites With Socrates WordPress Theme

How to Create Fast and Easy Niche Websites With Socrates WordPress Theme post thumbnail image

I have been using the new Socrates Theme for WordPress for a few months now and I really like it. In fact, I am using it on all my my new WordPress installations and even going back and installing it on existing sites, because it is so much easier to use than my other premium Internet marketing themes like Affiliate Theme or Flexsqueeze. Socrates has a very simple interface and you just go through the five step checklist and you are finished. With the other themes I was always spending too much time fiddling around with the layout and deleting options I didn’t want, and then trying to figure out how to activate the features I did want. With the Socrates WordPress Theme it is a five minute job.

Socrates is a highly customizable WordPress theme that will allow you to create ClickBank and AdSense monetized sites quickly and easily. Designed by two Internet marketing pros, Dan Nickerson and Joel Comm, it will let you make professional, SEO optimized niche sites faster than you would believe.

To begin, choose your layout. Do you want a left sidebar, a right sidebar or both? How about sidebar width? Simply highlight your selection and hit save. Do you want to automatically show ClickBank ads? Just insert your ClickBank ID and hit save and Ads code with your affiliate link will automatically rotate on your site.

If you wish to use the 728×90 banner just insert your banner and or AdSense code. On many of my sites I have the banner enabled and rotating between Google AdSense and a thematically selected ClickBank product banner. If you don’t want the banner you select no, and save.

Social network promotion is also optional. If you would like to promote, your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, account you can enter your links and they will be automatically rotated on the site. You may also rotate in additional ads for custom ClickBank products of your choice.

The next step is to select your navigation options. Upper and/or primary navigation bar, right footer, or left footer navigation are your choice, just select and save.

After navigation comes styling, which is where you build your own color scheme. Or, leave it at default if you like. Again, all point and click, with pop-up color charts to make it visual and simple

Choosing your header is next. Pick from one of the many stock, pictures, gradients, patterns, and themes, with more being added all the time, or feel free to upload your own custom header with the one click upload button. This is also the section where you input your title and tagline for your blog. Choose the font, font color, text size and right, left, or center alignment.

The final step is background. Leave as is if you like it or pick from any of the displayed background textures. Change the background to any color you wish, of course.

That’s it, you’re done! And that is why I love using this Socrates WordPress Theme and think it is the best WordPress theme for affiliate marketing. It’s fast, simple, easy, has the features I want and need, and lets me put up sites super fast. There is a demo you can check out on the Socrates Theme site.

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