Make Money Online WORDPRESS How to Add Amazon Affiliate Products to Your WordPress Website – #12 – From $0 to $2K

How to Add Amazon Affiliate Products to Your WordPress Website – #12 – From $0 to $2K

How to Add Amazon Affiliate Products to Your WordPress Website – #12 – From $0 to $2K post thumbnail image


Adding Amazon affiliate products to your WordPress website can be a great way to monetize your website and increase your income. Amazon is a trusted retailer, and their affiliate program is one of the most popular and lucrative in the world. In this article, we will show you how to add Amazon affiliate products to your WordPress website.

First, you will need to create an Amazon affiliate account. Once you have created an account, you will need to find the Amazon affiliate link for the product you want to promote. The affiliate link will look something like this:

Once you have found the affiliate link, you will need to copy it and paste it into your WordPress website. You can do this by adding it to a text widget or by using a plugin like the Amazon Associates Link Builder plugin.

Once you have added the affiliate link to your website, you will need to create a post or page about the product. In your post or page, you will need to include a brief description of the product, as well as a link to the product on Amazon. You should also include an image of the product.

When you are finished writing your post or page, you will need to publish it. Once it is published, you will need to promote it on social media and other websites. If you do this correctly, you can expect to see a significant increase in traffic to your website and a corresponding increase in affiliate sales.

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