Make Money Online MARKETING How Gurus Are Killing Your Dreams | Teaching Internet Marketing Is Honestly Sh*t

How Gurus Are Killing Your Dreams | Teaching Internet Marketing Is Honestly Sh*t

How Gurus Are Killing Your Dreams | Teaching Internet Marketing Is Honestly Sh*t post thumbnail image

There’s a lot of talk in the internet marketing world about “gurus.” People who have supposedly cracked the code to making money online and now teach others how to do the same. The problem is, most of what these gurus teach is complete and utter sh*t.

I should know. I was once one of them.

I spent years learning about internet marketing, trying different strategies, and failing miserably. I was making next to nothing online, and I was starting to think that maybe this whole internet marketing thing just wasn’t for me.

But then I stumbled upon a course from a guru that claimed to have the secret to making money online. I was skeptical, but I decided to give it a try.

The course was a total waste of money. I didn’t make a single penny from it.

In fact, the only thing that the course did was teach me how to waste my time and money on sh*t products.

I later learned that the guru who created the course was just out to make a quick buck. He didn’t actually care about helping people achieve their dreams.

Don’t let gurus kill your dreams. There is no secret to making money online. There’s only hard work, dedication, and a lot of trial and error.

If you’re willing to put in the work, you can achieve success online. But don’t rely on gurus to teach you how to do it. They’re only interested in taking your money and giving you nothing in return.

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