Make Money Online FREELANCING Hiring Freelance Article Writers – How to Evaluate Their Site

Hiring Freelance Article Writers – How to Evaluate Their Site

Hiring Freelance Article Writers – How to Evaluate Their Site post thumbnail image

Nowadays, you should expect that a professional writers have their own web site. Every service professionals should have one if they are serious about their business. A web site is like a storefront to their business. Unless, of course, you hire college students for writing.

Nowadays it would almost be hypocritical not to have a website. The problem is, just because they own a web site doesn’t mean that they are honest. Which criteria should you look for when evaluating their site?

1. Professional design.

It’s easy to buy a template and design a professional site nowadays. If the writers can’t make their storefront pleasing to their visitors, I’m less likely to do business with them.

2. Good copy.

Do they have personality in their copy? Can they write well? Are you intrigued to look for what they have to offer?

3. Service and pricing.

Expect to see writing as part of their service offerings. You should be able to get their standard pricing or free quote for your project right in the site.

4. Contact information.

Do they provide email address? Can you call them to get more information that is not available on their site?

5. Satisfied clients.

The site should have a list of satisfied clients and their testimonials. You can optionally contact their clients and ask for their opinions.

Consider contacting them for samples of the writer’s work too.

Sloppy websites indicate lousy writing, but professional looking web site and a list of satisfied customers mean they are willing to put their effort to produce quality work, and in this case, articles.

Although those can’t guarantee that you will get the same results as with their previous clients, at least it minimizes the chance that you get low quality articles from hiring the authors.

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