Make Money Online TRAFFIC GENERATION Hints and Tips On How To Advertise Your Website

Hints and Tips On How To Advertise Your Website

Hints and Tips On How To Advertise Your Website post thumbnail image

This article is for website and blog owners who are looking for hints and tips on how to help promote their website and get it noticed. This article does not cover every aspect of how to promote your website, however it does give you some good starting points on which to build your online presence. Follow these easy and simple tips:


Not just content, but high quality content is now what is needed to help improve your search engine optimization (SEO). Without good content your website could go unseen. High quality unique content tops the list of the most effective ways to improve your online presence from; lead generation, increased traffic and search engine rankings. It is also one of the hardest aspects to get right!


Submitting your website to other high ranking sites and blogs will help you gain back links to your website. Google and other search engines measure and rank your website by the importance and quality of other websites linking to you. Care needs to be taken where these links are placed and you need to be sure you are not associated with spammy directories or link farms, these types of sites can have a detrimental effect on your rankings.

Social Media.

Social has become more and more important and is a great way of promoting your company. Choose the platforms that work best for you. You don’t need to be using all the social media tools, however to protect your brand it is advisable to secure your domain name across as many as you can.

Join Google +.

Google+ could be classed in the same section as social media but as it is a Google tool I feel it needs to have a section of its own. Many business have been slow on the up take of joining Google+, but these business are missing a trick, don’t miss out. If Google is here to stay then so is Google+! By using Google+ and adding authorship to your site your image and Google+ details will appear in the search results making your listing stand out from your competitors.

Images and Videos.

The use of images is a powerful tool and should not be over looked. Make sure all the images you upload to your website and blog are a good size and high quality. Powerful visuals are essential to grab the reader’s attention. Informative videos are also an available tool and can generate traffic to your website, more and more videos are showing in the organic listings for keyword searches. You can also link your Google+ account to your YouTube channel.

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