Make Money Online PPC Google Shopping Ads Tutorial 2021 (Step By Step For Beginners)

Google Shopping Ads Tutorial 2021 (Step By Step For Beginners)

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Google Shopping Ads Tutorial 2021 (Step By Step For Beginners)

Google Shopping Ads are a form of online advertising that allows businesses to promote their products to consumers on Google. Shopping Ads appear as a list of products on a Google search results page, and clicking on the ad takes the user to the business’s website to purchase the product.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a Shopping Ad:

1. businesses must have a Google Merchant Center account

2. products must be uploaded to the Merchant Center

3. ads must be created in the AdWords interface

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a Shopping Ad:

1. Log into your Google Merchant Center account and click on “Products”.

2. Click on the “Upload a File” button and select the file of the products you want to advertise.

3. Once the products have been uploaded, click on the “Ads” tab and then click on the “Create Ad” button.

4. In the AdWords interface, create a new campaign and select the “Shopping” campaign type.

5. Enter the name of your campaign and the budget you want to allocate to it.

6. Select the countries you want to target and the languages you want the ad to be displayed in.

7. Select the devices you want the ad to be displayed on.

8. Select the networks you want the ad to be displayed on.

9. Select the keywords you want to target.

10. Enter the ad text and the website you want to direct users to.

11. Click on the “Save and Continue” button.

12. Review your campaign settings and click on the “Submit” button.

That’s it! Your Shopping Ad is now live and will start appearing on Google search results pages.

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